Laser Treatment and Mesotherapy Explained

Laser Treatment and Mesotherapy Explained • Laser Treatment Mesotherapy bangkok

Laser treatment and mesotherapy are two of the many beauty treatments on offer at clinics around South East Asia. They’re two options that are becoming increasingly popular because they can be used to treat a variety of problems. Let’s take a look at what each one is, including the potential benefits and risks of treatments.

Laser treatment

People are seeking laser treatments to help them look more youthful and healthier. One type of laser treatment is also known as laser skin resurfacing, skin rejuvenation, or a laser peel. It removes thin layers of old, damaged skin one at a time. The new skin that forms gives the appearance of tighter, younger looking skin.

There are many types of laser skin treatments available, depending on the patient’s problems and skin type.  Many laser treatment patients have experienced a reduction in wrinkles and facial scars as a result of the therapy. Others use it to treat brown spots or birthmarks, and it can also be used for tattoo removal.

Swelling is normal after a treatment and ointment will usually need to be applied after a treatment, to help prevent scabbing and scarring. Not everyone is a suitable patient for laser treatment, especially those who are taking certain medications and who have health conditions. The best approach is to speak with a qualified therapist about the benefits and potential risks.

Many patients who are not suited to laser treatments can opt for a cosmetic procedure such as Botox or thread lifting.


Originally developed as a form of pain relief, mesotherapy can be used for a variety of problems from fat and cellulite reduction to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lightening skin pigment. It is often chosen as a less invasive and cheaper alternative to liposuction. It is also used as a substitute for, or in conjunction with other facial cosmetic procedures.

The practitioner uses a combination of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and medications which are injected into the skin. There is no standard combination of ingredients, so check with your practitioner regarding the ingredient mix they use. The contents of the mixture should be based on the complaints or problems that the patient has.

Mesotherapy involves anywhere between one and four treatments over a series of a few weeks. However the exact schedule will depend on what the treatment is for and you may require additional sessions to get the result you are looking for.

Mesotherapy is non-invasive and therefore shouldn’t require recovery time. There are risks of bruises, rash, pain and sensitivity, among other things. Speak with a qualified practitioner to find out about all the potential benefits and risks, and whether it might be right for you.

How to find out more

Our Group section of the website showcases beauty experts and aesthetic clinics in Bangkok. Check out what’s on offer in terms of expert advice and solutions near you. You’ll find clinics for laser treatments, mesotherapy, Botox, massage, thread lifting, and more.

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