The Pros and Cons of Colon Hydrotherapy

The Pros and Cons of Colon Hydrotherapy • Colon Hydrotherapy

Many clinics around South East Asia offer colon hydrotherapy as a solution for eliminating toxins that may have built up in the colon over time. Colon hydrotherapy sessions are often offered in conjunction with other detoxification treatments such as infrared saunas and coffee enemas.

What does it involve?

During a colon hydrotherapy session the patient will lie on their side. A tube is inserted into the rectum and a practitioner will flush out the colon with plenty of warm water. During this time the patient may be able to see colon matter such as stool and mucus leaving the body through a viewing tube. A good practitioner will ensure the patient is as comfortable as possible and that dignity is maintained.

Pro and cons of colon hydrotherapy. Guri Bangkok

The potential benefits

 Colon hydrotherapy patients may choose a treatment like this for a number of potential benefits. These include:

  • Improving digestion and easing symptoms such as constipation, excess gas, diarrhoea and bloating by removing toxins from the colon
  • Reducing the incidence of skin problems
  • Increasing absorption of vitamins and minerals, and in turn improving concentration and energy levels
  • As preparation for a colonoscopy

It should be noted that results will vary from person to person and that there are limited to no robust research studies supporting the benefits of colon cleansing.

The potential risks

  • Possible side effects of colon hydrotherapy include stomach pain, nausea, dehydration, vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
  • The procedure can result in a change in electrolyte levels (sodium and potassium) within the body. The shift in fluid balance could be especially problematic for people with kidney and heart related conditions.
  • Colon hydrotherapy may cause additional problems for those with gastrointestinal issues such as diverticulitis and ulcerative colitis.
  • There is a potential to disrupt the balance of the gut’s microbiome. A cleanse could eliminate good, as well as bad bacteria.

Other Considerations

  • If you decide that detoxifying your colon is a good idea, explore other possibilities for colon cleansing. Coffee enemas have already been mentioned as one alternative, or addition to a colon hydrotherapy session. 
  • Some people take more of a dietary approach to colon cleansing. For example, switching to a plant based diet with plenty of greens, water and fermented foods. Fermented foods can play an important role in promoting great gut health by replenishing good bacteria in the gut. In South East Asia, common fermented foods include tempeh, miso and kimchi.
  • If you choose to have colon hydrotherapy sessions, ensure sure you do so with a qualified and experienced practitioner. Make sure they answer all your questions thoroughly and that they know all of your relevant medical history. 
  • It’s important to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria after a colon cleanse. This may involve taking probiotic supplements and/or plenty of fermented foods.
  • Be aware that more is not always better. You might feel great after a colon cleanse but that doesn’t mean you should necessarily get them done more and more frequently. Follow the guidance of an experienced practitioner.

To find out where you can get colon hydrotherapy and other colon cleansing treatments in Bangkok, check out our beauty clinic section on our website.

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