3 Top Tips to Stay on Track with your Fitness Routine

We’ve all ‘fallen off the fitness wagon’ at one time or another. Barriers to success are always going to pop up. You might get sick or injured, experience a family emergency, or you might just get really busy! If you want to create a regular exercise habit it can be useful to have some strategies in mind that will help you to stay on track, and get back on ‘the wagon’ if you do fall off it. Check out these top ideas for success.
- Planning
Planning helps to bring awareness to any problems that might pop up on your fitness journey. It’s great to set goals but then you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to achieve them, and that’s where planning comes in. Try these ideas for creating a solid health and fitness plan:
- Plan exercise sessions into your calendar, so that there is a specific time allocation for them
- Organize other things that are required to make your exercise plan work – e.g. baby sitting
- Decide on any potential barriers to success and create a ‘plan b’ for when things don’t work out. E.g. if you plan your fitness sessions outdoors, do you have a wet weather alternative, or will you still do your workout outside?
- Accountability
There are many ways to stay accountable to your fitness plan and it can be an important factor for success. Here are a few ideas:
- Be accountable to yourself by making your goals visual and putting them on your wall or somewhere you will see them often. You could do the same with your fitness plan or program
- Tell others about your goals so they can hold you accountable. Find a workout buddy if you think that will work well for you. You’re less likely to skip an exercise session if you know you’ll be letting your friend down at the same time
- Invest in the ultimate accountability buddy and hire a personal trainer or fitness coach. Check out our group section to find great personal trainers near you
- Fun
You might not find every aspect of your workouts fun, but overall there should be an element of enjoyment! You should have an exercise plan and program that has been developed with your personal preferences in mind. If you don’t enjoy your mode of exercises then it’s less likely that you’ll do it long enough and regularly enough to get the results you want.
Understand that one size doesn’t fit all and it’s ok to think beyond the gym! What physical activities do you really get enjoyment from? Maybe you like hiking the beautiful National Parks we have in South East Asia, or perhaps you enjoy dancing? Whatever it is, do it! You can adjust the intensity of any type of activity to create the intensity you need to call it a ‘workout’.