Acupuncture by Body Conscious – Book via Guri, get 30% OFF!
Acupuncture is one of the most popular Ancient Chinese treatments. The technique can be used to relieve pain, stretch muscles and help keeping the balance of blood circulation and energy by stimulating various organs through small needles. Many studies, even the ones conducted by World Health Organization, confirm that acupuncture can relieve pains, such as migraine or headache, back, neck and shoulder pains, wrist pain, lower back pain, sciatic nerve pain, leg pain, knee pain, foot pain, facial pain, toothache, and abdominal pain. Acupuncture can help reducing inflammation and relieve in many points.
Apart from treating pains, acupuncture can also help relax and rebalance subconscious mind, emotion and energy.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain. Increasingly, it is being used for overall wellness, including stress management.
- Relaxation and reduced stress
- Relief from muscle tension and pain
- Reduced inflammation
- Improved joint mobilization
- Enhanced immune system and allergy relief
- Enhanced mental clarity and increased energy
- Balancing of mind, spirit, and body for general wellbeing
- Enhanced detoxification of internal organs
- Enhance weight loss and increased metabolism
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure
- Bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or use of blood thinners
- Active cancer
- High fever
- Pregnancy
We make sure every step meets the strictest hygiene standards
- Our treatment rooms are bookable by one client at a time.
- Our large IV Infusion room is bookable for two clients at a time only.
- BodyConscious is continuing strictest cleaning routines, including frequent disinfection of surfaces.
- Temperature monitoring is practiced for all staff and clients.
- Hand sanitizer is available for everyone’s protection.
- Staff and guests must wear masks at all times.
- Staff and guests must practice social distancing (1.5 m.).
- Staff practice hand washing and gel use every hour and after every client.
- High temperature washing of all towels and cloths after use by each client.
About Body Conscious
BodyConscious is a health center with a difference. They believe in getting to the root cause of why clients are having health challenges.
Science has proven that – in addition to nutrition and movement – stress, sleep, hormones, toxic load, musculoskeletal conditions, and emotional factors all play a role in how well we feel, if these systems are not working well we don’t work/play/love well either.
By understanding each client’s current biology, psychology, environment, and lifestyle, BodyConscious creates tailored lifestyle programs that are perfectly suited to achieve better all-around health and happiness.
The mindful path to a better body and a better life!
Not only treating the diseased organs but to also treat all organs for inducing a total body healing.
Their Philosophy
- Root Causes
- Natural Solutions
- Tried and tested therapies
- lifestyle improvements and personal empowermen
Where can you find Body Conscious
- 7th Fl. Column Bangkok, 48 Sukhumvit Soi 16, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
- +66 (0) 2302 2861
Sunday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 pm
Saturday: closed
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