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Home Forums Fitness Bodybuilding & Strength Training At what age, can I start doing Weight training?

  • Avatar of matthew


    April 15, 2021 at 4:16 pm

    I’ve read in article that you can start by the age of 12-13 years but I’m not certainly sure.

  • Avatar of krumike


    April 27, 2021 at 7:59 am

    As a coach and trainer, I don’t recommend weight training to anyone under the age of 15-16 years old. However, I do recommend body-weight training to anyone of any age. Think of it like this. From birth, we are constantly learning to hold our head up, move our arms, legs, sit upright and stand tall. All of this builds our muscles, tendon, ligament, and bone strength as we procure nutrition for proper growth as well.

    So, we should seek to move our bodies more; perform body-weight exercises like pushups, lunges, air squats, handstand press, running, swimming and more. Waiting to implement weight training using heavier weights like dumbbells and plates until we are a few years into puberty (15-17) gives our hormones and our natural growth a chance to get a head start and self-regulate before we add in the extra stress of advanced muscle stimulation and growth.

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